//TODO: Learn, play, discuss.
Somewhat inspired by Mike Taulty’s blog, I’ve decided I should throw my Tech TODO list at the world, because it might encourage / guilt me into doing some of them, as well as provide a preview on what this blog might be including over the next few months.
So all of these are technologies, packages, or platforms I want to be checking out in the not-to-distant future. In no particular order, they’re bound to be added to as I go and quite possibly ignored as well.
- .NET
- ADO.NET Data Services
- F#
- IronRuby
- Open-sourcing a simple XML resource provider (CodePlex)
- .NET 4
- Windows Communication Foundation
- Entity Framework
- Parallel Extensions
- Gallery3
- Module development
- Migrate Twitter module
- Migrate auto-GPS-tagging module
- Theme development
- Module development
- Google Wave