GalleryTweet – Twitter for your Gallery2

This post is no longer being maintained due to budget constraints - please check the project page for the latest information:

I’m releasing the updated module for Gallery2 under the name of GalleryTweet. It was prompted by a few people mentioning they couldn’t get my earlier hack to work – so I thought I’d build something that was (slightly) more robust, and might stand to work on installations other than my own.

You might want to skip my ramblings and jump straight to the download, so here’s a link for you folks:

  1. Install by unzipping to the root of your Gallery2 installation, and activate through the plugins panel.activate
  2. Once logged in, edit your Twitter settings through the left navigationmenu
  3. You should enter your twitter username / password, and the format you’d like to send your Tweets out with.twitter-settings
  4. Now while you’re browsing the Gallery, Tweet about any images using the link below the thumbnailtweet

Please drop me a message on Twitter @kevinblake if you’ve found the plugin useful, can’t get it work, or have any other feedback.  That download link again, in case you missed it the first time:

Happy Tweeting!

This post is no longer being maintained due to budget constraints - please check the project page for the latest information:

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