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Posts Tagged ‘photography’

Bulgaria Photo Story

I’ve just been back out to The Balkans again, this time to Bulgaria… After heading out to SE Asia a few times in the last year or two, it’s really nice to return my travelling to my favourite part of Europe. This area offers a real melting pot of culture, history, people, and beautiful landscapes, without the bustle of more well-worn destinations elsewhere in the world – and Bulgaria is no exception. But don’t go there – I like things the way they are 🙂 »

Romania Photo Story

Just over a week in Romania, from mid-August (bit slow uploading this time). Most of the time around Bucharest and Transylvania. »

China Photo Story

Two and a half weeks of travelling around China from Shanghai, Beijing, Xi’an and back to Shanghai, here’s the usual photo story: »

Denmark & Sweden Photo Story

For the past week, I’ve been travelling around the Copenhagen area of Denmark, and south Sweden. The usual stash of photos have made their way back, and onto this photo story. »

Norway Photo Story

I’m now back home from a week away in Norway, and whilst there are still draft blog posts sitting on the server, I’ve gone ahead and procrastinated over their completion by sorting out photos instead. All these pictures come from Norway mostly along the Oslo-Bergen route, including a stop off in Flåm. »