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Posts Tagged ‘travel’

Bulgaria Photo Story

I’ve just been back out to The Balkans again, this time to Bulgaria… After heading out to SE Asia a few times in the last year or two, it’s really nice to return my travelling to my favourite part of Europe. This area offers a real melting pot of culture, history, people, and beautiful landscapes, without the bustle of more well-worn destinations elsewhere in the world – and Bulgaria is no exception. But don’t go there – I like things the way they are 🙂 »

Romania Photo Story

Just over a week in Romania, from mid-August (bit slow uploading this time). Most of the time around Bucharest and Transylvania. »

China Photo Story

Two and a half weeks of travelling around China from Shanghai, Beijing, Xi’an and back to Shanghai, here’s the usual photo story: »

Strawberry Fields Forever

I’m in Malaysia at the moment, on the current random tour of a random country chosen minutes before I left. This one didn’t start where this post does, but that’s my prerogative. Call it bloggers licence. Get over it. »